Friday, November 11, 2011

Akathist to the All-Merciful Lord, Physician of Our Souls and Bodies

(by Valentina Bershadskaya, translated by Maria Murray)

Kontakion 1

O Champion Leader and Lord, Wondrous Creator of human nature, hear our prayers from the height of the throne of Your Glory: Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Ikos 1

Having created the multitude of archangels and angels for Your service,

You made man from the dust of the ground for the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven, and You loved him above all creatures, O All-Merciful Lord. Learning of Your inexpressible love, as Your children, we cry unto You:

Jesus, Who called us into the marvelous world, allow us to abide with You forever.

Jesus, Who called us to be children of the Creator, allow us to ever hymn Him.

Jesus, grant us healing from our sins, with which we stained ourselves.

Jesus, grant us to stand at Your right on the Day of the Resurrection of all.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the perdition of the human race, You, O Father, desired to save it, for You so loved the world that You willed to send Your Only-Begotten Son Jesus Christ for our salvation. Therefore to Him we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You endowed Your creature with heavenly understanding, O Compassionate Lord, worthy of songs of praise and thanksgiving, You abide in Your Heavenly Kingdom, but we who are enslaved to sin abide in the poverty of our minds. Therefore we pray to You, fill our feeble minds with Your grace that we may know that we bear Your image and may become Your worthy children. For this sake, receive our petition:

Jesus, Who made our bodies to be temples of God, cleanse them from all impurity.

Jesus, Who breathed the breath of life into our bodies, enlighten them again with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, Who created our souls to be immortal, deliver us from mortal sins.

Jesus, Who gave us luminous reason, chase the darkness from our hearts.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by divine power, though we are great sinners, do not despair of our salvation, but put all hope in You alone and sing to You with compunction: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

With Your immeasurable compassion, enter our hearts and make them into Your dwelling place so that abiding with You, we may know You with our whole souls and minds, for You are the God of those who repent and all things are possible with You. We cry to You such things as these:

Jesus, Who created our eyes, allow us to see You with clarity.

Jesus, Who created our ears, allow us to hear Your sweet voice.

Jesus, Who created our mouths, allow us to unceasingly praise You.

Jesus, Who created our senses, allow us to apprehend the fullness of life in You alone.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 4

Wearied by the storms of life, we hasten to Your divine intercession, O our Savior.

Strengthen our weakness enabling us to carry our cross for the rest of our lives without complaint but praising You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing our endless weeping, tell us as You told Your friends, O Lord: “Do not cry, O my beloved, I will not leave you without my protection, but will heal you from your sickness and sorrow.”

Gladdened by such promise, we call upon You:

Jesus, the True Light, enlighten us with the knowledge of God.

Jesus, the Living God, vouchsafe us worthy of eternal life.

Jesus, Who gave Your body to us as incorruptible food, fill our hungering souls.

Jesus, Who suffered on the Cross for us, heal the wounds of our souls with Your Blood.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 5

Worshipping the Unoriginate Trinity, we humbly beg You, our Christ: intercede for us sinners before Your Father so that He would not withdraw the Holy Spirit from us. And we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Again and again we behold your outpourings of mercy on us of which we are not deserving, but marveled by Your compassion and long-suffering, we cry to You:

Jesus, we know that we are infirm and careless, but we diligently seek Your help.

Jesus, we know that we are hard-hearted and disobedient, but we long for the recovery from our ills.

Jesus, we know that we have sinned many times against You, but offer You tearful repentance.

Jesus, we know that we fall every day, but we can rise from our falls by the strength of Your power.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 6

Desiring to save us from perishing forever, O Our Father, Your Only-Begotten Son was sent for our salvation as a Sacrifice. Through Your grace, heal our bodies and souls infected with the leprosy of sin so that we may even here on earth worthily praise You: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Enlighten our souls with Your unwaning Light, O Lord, teaching us to walk in the light of Your commandments so that we may not sin before Your face but sing to You:

Jesus, Inexpressible Love, warm our cold hearts with Your Love.

Jesus, Gentle Light, make our darkened souls radiant with Your never-waning Light.

Jesus, Heavenly Sweetness, delight our human nature with Your Grace.

Jesus, Benevolent Master, fill our lives with Your bounties.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 7

Desiring to manifest the greatness of Your love and compassion throughout Your earthly life, O Lord, You led many sinners to repentance. As the Publican, we cry to You: “God, be merciful to us, sinners!” And hoping in Your abundant mercy, we call unto You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You revealed in us a new creation, O Jesus, when in Your baptism You delivered us from the ancestral sin. For such benevolence to our mankind, we praise You:

Jesus, we glorify Your inexpressible loving-kindness.

Jesus, we praise Your great benevolence.

Jesus, we extol Your saving Passion.

Jesus, we thank You for all Your bounties.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 8

Amazing and strange is Your ineffable benevolence and care for us, O Lover of mankind. Knowing our infirmities and weaknesses, with tears we entreat You: endure us, O Merciful One, and if we find favor in Your sight, do not forsake us, Your servants who cry to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

O Christ Our God, You are the fulfillment of our every desire and enjoyment by which we strengthen and satisfy our souls and bodies. For this we hymn You:

Jesus, You are our Joy and Sweetness.

Jesus, You are our Tenderness and Delight.

Jesus, You are our Glory and Stronghold.

Jesus, You are our Power and Protection.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 9

All of the human nature healed by You from infirmity and illness gratefully praises You, Almighty Physician, and, knowing that God's power is made perfect in our weaknesses, cries out with compunction: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

God-loving orators, though they speak much of You, are unable to worthily glorify the great power of Your miracles, O Lord, by which You healed the woman with the issue of blood from her sickness, raised Lasarus from four days in the grave, lifted up Jairus' daughter from her death bed, and performed many other healings. But we, well aware of such miracles, cry out to You:

Jesus, Who raised the paralytic from his bed, raise our souls from sins.

Jesus, Who opened the eyes of the man born blind, open our spiritual eyes.

Jesus, Who resurrected the son of the widow of Nain, resurrect our kind thoughts.

Jesus, Who granted Abgar healing from his terrible disease, grant us healing from all our diseases.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 10

Desiring to save all who believe in You, O Christ the Savior, You ascended into heaven and prepare a place for them in Your Kingdom. Therefore, vouchsafe us at the hour of our death to reach our Father's home in heaven, where we can glorify You: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Everlasting King, Jesus Christ, Who for our salvation received flesh from the all-pure Virgin Mary and sanctified her by Your divinity, sanctify our sinful flesh with Your divinity so we may cry out to You in gratitude:

Jesus, cleanse our hands so we may glorify You with good deeds.

Jesus, strengthen our legs so we may follow You with gladness.

Jesus, correct our thoughts so we may live our lives to Your glory.

Jesus, bring peace to our souls so we may love all Your servants.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 11

Most tender songs we offer to You, our Sweetest Jesus, exalting Your great mercy towards us and worshipping You with love and humility, we call on You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Shine into our souls the great and divine Light, O Giver of eternal life, so enlightened by it, we may reach the Heavenly Kingdom and, as the apostles on Mount Tabor, exclaim to You: “It is good for us to be here!” Receive now our supplications:

Jesus, forgive all our sins.

Jesus, receive our humble repentance.

Jesus, place our souls into the heavenly abode.

Jesus, transfigure our bodies at the resurrection of all.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 12

Grant us Your grace, O Jesus Our God, which You bestowed on Your beloved disciples here on earth. Receive the confession of our sins, hear our groaning, send down upon us Your Holy Spirit, so that purified by Him, we can be accounted worthy to call upon You on earth as the angels call upon You in heaven: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing of Your unspeakable love for mankind, we worship the greatness of Your deeds, O Christ, and fall down at Your feet with faith and love as before the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies, exclaiming to You:

Jesus, our Maker, make us heirs of Your Kingdom,

Jesus, our Savior, save us from eternal torments.

Jesus, our Redeemer, redeem us from death unto eternal life.

Jesus, our Archpriest, save all Your archpriests who intercede for us at Your Judgment.

Jesus, Almighty Physician, heal our souls and bodies.

Kontakion 13

O Sweetest and Most-Bountiful Jesus, look down with love from Your Heavenly throne on us who are infirm and exhausted by the wounds of soul and body. Mercifully incline Your ear to our tearful plea and heal us by Your saving Passion from all sickness of soul and body, so that rising from our sick bed, we may enter into Your Holy Church, forever singing to You: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read thrice, then again ikos 1 and kontakion1)


O All-Powerful and Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies – Lord Jesus Christ! Hear now the tearful prayers of all Your servants who are suffering from grievous illnesses and who place all their hope in You alone. For we know, O Lord, that where human hand cannot give relief and healing - You can, for nothing is impossible for You. Having created our souls and bodies, You possess the power to save us. Therefore we beseech You, All-Merciful One, if it is Your holy will, heal us of our infirmities of soul and body and, according to the judgments known to You, regenerate our nature afflicted with sickness. Above all, we entreat You to forgive all our sins so that with our souls purified by repentance, we can hymn You, together with Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Akathist To Our Holy Father Among The Saints, Moses The Black

Akathist to our Holy Father among the saints Saint Moses the Ethiopian

Kontakion 1

Mighty ancient desert dweller of the Egyptian Thebaid, thy life is an everlasting memorial of
the reconciliation between God and man. In thee we see the fullness of the fruits of
repentance. Guide our steps onto the path of salvation as we call on thine all-powerful prayer.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Ikos 1

In the days of thy youth, as a gang-leader thou wast a ravenous Wolf slaying sheep and
murdering men. Yet in a moment of truth, God acted invisibly on thy conscience as thou wast
about to commit a crime, opening the door to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Following thy
path toward the Light we sing these praises:
Rejoice, model of correction for those who have gone astray.
Rejoice, thou who didst die to earthly pleasures and resurrect in spirit.
Rejoice, thou who camest out of much tribulation.
Rejoice, oasis of faith in the desert of unbelief.
Rejoice, ancient treasure map for those seeking the pearl of great price. Rejoice, for
thou didst find the Kingdom of God within thy heart.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 2

En route to great stature in grace, thou didst travel the path of lowliness, seeking counsel in
all matters concerning spiritual life. Burying the instructions of the Fathers deep within thy
heart thou didst always sing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

As thou didst possess self-knowledge and then ascend to wisdom on high, many seekers
came to thee for spiritual guidance. With a pure mind thou didst teach in simplicity, revealing
hidden truths to all who would listen. Help us now to understand and do God’s will in our lives
as we call upon thee:
Rejoice, thou who taughtest with power and not empty words.
Rejoice, for thy mind was renewed by prayer of the heart.
Rejoice, island of refuge for those sinking in the sea of temptation.
Rejoice, wellspring gushing forth with the words of life.
Rejoice, for the house of thy soul was not built on the sand of worldly knowledge
but on the rock of Christ’s commandments.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom.

Kontakion 3

A brother came to thee for a word of instruction and in thy wisdom thou didst reveal the
mystery of silence by saying, “Go to thy cell and thy cell will teach thee everything.”
Marveling at thy insight we raise up our minds unto God singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Through fire and water didst thou pass in thy struggle to conquer the lusts of the body. In thy
quest, thou didst war against nature itself, depriving thy body of food and sleep. By spending
the nights hauling water for the brethren thou didst prepare thy soul to become a habituation
for the spirit. Yet still being tormented by this passion, thou was forced to call upon God for
deliverance. Seeing thy thirst, the Lord has brought thee into a place of everlasting
refreshment. Through thee we have learned to rely on God and not ourselves, and so we
praise thee:
Rejoice, victorious conqueror in the war against the passions.
Rejoice, general in Christ’s army.
Rejoice, valorous spirit in battle.
Rejoice, beacon of the light overcoming the principalities and powers of darkness.
Rejoice, thou who wast made strong by surrendering thy weakness to God.
Rejoice, for the arrows of the enemy cannot touch thee.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom.
Kontakion 4
Amazed by the conversion of thy life and even yet more in awe of thy spiritual ascent, we see
that truly all things are possible with God. Not lingering on the surface of newly found
Orthodox faith, thou didst dive into the depths of apostolic Christianity. So now inspire us to
enter into the heart of hearts, sensing the Kingdom within as we cry to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

In fleeing the vanity of the world, thou didst desire to live in obscurity so as to be free from
the glory of men. But as a city set on a hill cannot be hid, so too the splendor of thy virtue
could not be concealed. Thou didst try to hide thy identity by telling those who sought “the
great Moses” that he was a man of depraved character. By reviling thyself thou didst escape
the trap of vainglory, but when the wisdom of thy humility was found out, all glorified thy
Father in heaven and now we praise thee:
Rejoice, thou who didst crucify thy flesh to become poor in spirit.
Rejoice, thou who didst find joy through mourning.
Rejoice, Israelite who didst see God in the purity of thy heart.
Rejoice, thou who art filled with everlasting righteousness.
Rejoice, thou who wast reviled yet kept silence for Christ’s sake.
Rejoice, and be glad for great is thy reward in heaven.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 5

O Moses, thou didst travel from the kingdom of Ethiopia to the land of Egypt in order to slay
the spiritual Pharaoh. Now free from the bondage of the oppressor, thou dost chant eternal
praise to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Behold all you who seek God, a new Moses has appeared in Egypt liberating those who were
shackled in mental slavery and leading them into the promised land of faith, hope and love.
Free in spirit we sing these praises:
Rejoice, thou who didst climb the mountain of God.
Rejoice, thou who was transfigured by the light of Christ.
Rejoice, chosen by God to be a leader of the people.
Rejoice, thou who didst pass over the sea of temptation dry shod.
Rejoice, deliverer of souls down pressed by sin.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true Spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 6

When the counsel of monks gathered together to judge a brother who had transgressed, thou
didst teach all by carrying a leaky bag of sand into the midst of the fathers, saying, “The
sands are my sins running down behind me which I cannot even see, and yet I have come to
judge another.” In this wise, thou didst teach all the path of self-reproach and humility.
Marveling at the wisdom given thee, we chant to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Unbeknownst to thee, thy words would be a testament of desert wisdom even unto this day.
Together with all those monks who, throughout the ages have been guided aright by thy
words, we cry out to thee:
Rejoice, counselor of divine intellect.
Rejoice, forefather of philokalic wisdom.
Rejoice, ancient mystic.
Rejoice, thou whose mind’s eye was opened by grace.
Rejoice, seer of spiritual reality.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!
Kontakion 7
Seeing the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in thee, thy former gang members were also led
to thoughts concerning the meaning of life, death and the path of salvation. Convicted by the
purity of thy life, they too changed their evil ways and followed thee, learning to cry out to
God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

Once a thief and a robber but now a good shepherd, thou art even at this moment calling lost
sheep back to the straight and narrow way that leads to everlasting life. Pray that our
hardened hearts and our darkened minds take heed to thy call as we sing these praises:
Rejoice, perfection of renunciation.
Rejoice, guide of all who struggle to put off the old man and be clothed in Christ.
Rejoice, good seed that brought forth fruit an hundred fold.
Rejoice, thou who through remembrance of death didst attain unto life.
Rejoice, thou who didst pass through the valley of the shadow of death.
Rejoice, for thy soul did find rest in the still waters of Christ.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 8

As a true rebel against the spirit of the world, thou didst leave off all attachment to temporal
things, forsake thy past life like a dream, and flee to the utter desert to be alone with God.
Admiring thy courage we glorify God: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Unaware of thy physical strength, a band of thieves foolishly tried to rob thy cell of earthly
treasure that did not exist. Never missing a chance to save a soul, thou didst tie them up and
drag them into church. In truth, thou didst take the Kingdom unto thy brother by force,
showing him the power of faith. Marveling at thy mighty works we praise thee:
Rejoice, solid foundation of brotherly love.
Rejoice, thou who didst take no thought for food and raiment.
Rejoice, thou who didst follow the way of the cross by daily struggles.
Rejoice, thou who went from strength to strength to reach the Kingdom.
Rejoice, courageous soul that didst conquer fear by perfect love.
Rejoice, thou who ever abidest in God.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 9

The angelic choirs were amazed at your prophetical end, as you foretold to your disciples, “He
who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.” And so it was to be—you were slain with your
disciples as sheep led to the slaughter, raising them up as brethren with you in the Eternal
City, crying out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Wondrous things are spoken of you, O Holy Elder Moses, for the Most High Himself has
established you within His holy gates. Calling upon your heavenly intercessions, we on earth
cry out:
Rejoice, prophets of the Most High!
Rejoice, apostle of Christ!
Rejoice, preacher of the Good News!
Rejoice, holy elder of devoted disciples!
Rejoice, prince of the King of kings!
Rejoice, saint pleading before the throne of God for suffering humanity!
Rejoice, O Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 10

Wishing to save the world, the Saviour of all has sent a brilliant star to shine upon those lost
in darkness. Seeing thy life as a light in the night, teaching, enlightening, and guiding us, we
cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Thou art a saving hand, O Father Moses, pulling up all who are drowning in a world of hate
and confusion. Reaching out to thee, we ask for guidance in this life of trials and temptations.
Ever hoping in God’s mercy we cry out in faith:
Rejoice, uplifter of the downtrodden.
Rejoice, guardian of the soul in despair.
Rejoice, consolation of those who weep.
Rejoice, calm harbor for those tossed on the waves of this life.
Rejoice, redemptive sufferer.
Rejoice, thou who dost lead us to seek the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 11

As a co-struggler with the great Arsenius, thou didst share a bond of unity in the monastic
mystery. While Arsenius practiced silence, thou didst exercise charity; sacrificing quietude to
receive weary pilgrims with hospitality. With love thou didst feed many hungry souls, giving
them strength to sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

True to the vision of the elder who saw great boats on the river, in the one was Arsenius with
the Spirit of God traveling in silence, and thou was sailing in the other, accompanied by the
angels and feeding a monk with sweet honey from the honeycomb. As recipients of thy
lovingkindness we give thanks to thee thus:
Rejoice, warm heart of tender mercy.
Rejoice, thou who didst crucify thyself but didst show indulgence towards others.
Rejoice, thou who didst lay down thy life for thy brother.
Rejoice, river flowing into the sea of compassion.
Rejoice, thou whose Christianity was formed in the heart and manifest in deed.
Rejoice, thou who didst accept strangers as Christ Himself.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 12

Timeless preacher of repentance for all who find themselves astray from God’s love, thou
didst give hope to the hopeless reminding us that there is no sin that exceeds God’s mercy.
Moved to compunction, we offer our tears and sacrifice our broken hearts crying out from the
depths of our souls to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Now swelling in the heavenly Zion, thou dost partake in the majestic glory of the Almighty.
By thine all-powerful prayers, beseech Him to grant us the strength to overcome the
temptations of sin and send down upon us peace and great mercy as we sing these praises:
Rejoice, thou who didst overcome the world.
Rejoice, flaming fire ablaze with the love of God.
Rejoice, guiding star of wise men.
Rejoice, thou who wast lifted up on the wings of the Spirit.
Rejoice, thou who didst fly away to the heavenly homeland.
Rejoice, thou who art dwelling in the bosom of Abraham.
Rejoice, Holy Elder Moses, righteous teacher of true spiritual wisdom!

Kontakion 13

O holy and righteous Elder Moses, brilliant sun shining down rays of hope upon a world
eclipsed in darkness: hear our supplication that we offer unto thee; help us who seek God’s
truth to be steadfast in fulfilling Christ’s commandments, and save from the pit of Gehenna
all who cry to God: Alleluia! (repeat 3 times)

Repeat Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1.

Prayer to St. Moses

Thou didst forsake temporal riches, earthly fame, and fleshly pleasure and didst freely choose
a life of poverty and deprivation to become rich in spirit. Having tasted the momentary
sweetness of sin, thou didst foresee the bitter end that awaits a life of self-indulgence. Having
stained thy hands with the blood of thy brother, thou didst foretaste the anguish of hell. From
this pit, thou didst cry out to God Who raised thee up as a testimony of His almighty power.
In thy ascent to near the Living God thou didst not spare thyself but willfully endured a life of
hardship and struggle. By following the path of the Cross, thy soul was empowered by the
might of the Holy Spirit, thy mind was illumined with the understanding of things divine, and
thy heart was filled with the burning love of God for thy fellow man. And though thou didst
live in ancient times and in a distant land, today we find ourselves faced with the same
struggle to overcome the evil that lies within us. In these perilous times, we call on thy
prayers—help us! For our brothers and sisters are dying daily and our children are born
hopeless in a world barren of Christian love. Amidst these trials, we waver because our faith
is weak and we know not how to endure suffering courageously. Pray that we be
strengthened to live uprightly, walking in the light of the holy Gospel, ever seeking to do the
will of God. And in the dreadful day of judgment, pray that we may be received with His
Unoriginate Son, and His most holy and life-creating Spirit, to whom belongs all glory,
honour, and worship, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Akathist Hymn to the Nativity of Christ

Kontakion I
O Christ our God, Who didst choose the most pure Virgin from among all generations and wast born of her in the flesh, we Thy servants offer hymns of thanksgiving unto Thee. As Thou art possessed of ineffable lovingkindness, O Master, from all manner of misfortunes free us who cry:
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Ikos I
A multitude of angels assembled in Bethlehem to behold the unapproachable Nativity; and seeing their Creator lying in the manger as a babe, they were filled with awe. And offering homage with fear, they honored the godliness of Him Who was born and of her who bore Him, chanting such things as these:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who wast begotten of the Father before time began!
Glory to Thee Who with the Father and the Spirit didst create all things!
Glory to Thee Who earnest to save the perishing!
Glory to Thee Who didst condescend even to assume the form of a servant!
Glory to Thee Who wast ineffably born of the Virgin!
Glory to Thee Who searchest for the lost!
Glory to Thee, O Saviour of the perishing!
Glory to Thee Who hast demolished the wall of separation!
Glory to Thee Who again hast opened paradise, which was shut by disobedience!
Glory to Thee Who ineffably lovest the human race!
Glory to Thee Who didst show the cave to be heaven on earth!
Glory to Thee Who hast shown the Virgin, who gave Thee birth, to be the throne of the cherubim!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion II
Seeing that their Master had received flesh from the pure Virgin, the incorporeal angels were filled with awe and said one to an-other: "This is an all-glorious mystery past understanding!" And marveling at His ineffable condescension, they chanted with fear: Alleluia!

Ikos II
All of noetic creation is filled with awe and with thanksgiving hymneth the mystery of Thy nativity, O Master. The hosts of heaven rejoice, chanting: "Glory to God in the highest!", earth and men are filled with gladness, and we unceasingly cry out:
Glory to Thee, O God, Who art glorified in the highest!
Glory to Thee Who didst reveal Thyself to us on earth!
Glory to Thee Who hast reconciled Thyself with us!
Glory to Thee Who didst appear to us on earth!
Glory to Thee Who wast ineffably incarnate of the Virgin!
Glory to Thee Who didst cause the star to shine forth!
Glory to Thee Who by it summoned the Magi to worship Thee!
Glory to Thee Who didst mercifully accept their gifts!
Glory to Thee Who hast taught all creation to minister unto Thee!
Glory to Thee Who hast given us the understanding to hymn Thee!
Glory to Thee Who hast united Thyself with us!
Glory to Thee Who Thyself hast saved, us!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion III
The God of peace and Father of compassions, Who is mighty in strength, came to earth to save the world which is perishing; and in Bethlehem He is now born as a babe of the Virgin, whom He hath shown to be a Mother and Mediatress of salvation for all who glorify His incarnation and chant: Alleluia!

Ikos III
Having her who gave Thee birth in an all-pure manner praying unceasingly for us, rejoicing, we hymn the mystery of Thy becoming man, O Master; and glorifying Thy nativity from the God-pleasing Virgin, we cry:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God!
Glory to Thee, O Son of the Virgin!
Glory to Thee Who upon us hast shown forth the abyss of Thy love for mankind!
Glory to Thee Who hast ineffably loved us!
Glory to Thee Who hast sought out the lost sheep!
Glory to Thee Who hast told the angels to rejoice in its finding!
Glory to Thee Who hast taken it upon Thy shoulders!
Glory to Thee Who hast led it to the Father!
Glory to Thee Who hast united men and angels in a single flock!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered the world from delusion!
Glory to Thee Who bass shown us great and ineffable mercy!
Glory to Thee Who lovest us more than all other creatures!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion IV
The chaste-minded Joseph, who before had within him a storm of doubting thoughts, now beholdeth all-glorious things within the divine cave; for even though he beheld as a man Him Who was born of the Virgin, yet did he understand from things revealed to him that He is the true God. Wherefore, doing homage to His divinity, He chanted with joy: Alleluia!

Ikos IV
The shepherds heard the angel proclaiming to them that the Savior of the world was born in the city of David, and running swiftly, they beheld Him lying in the manger, like an unblemished lamb which had been tended in the womb of the Virgin, and her who had given birth to Him reverently ministering unto Him, and Joseph standing by with fear. And they spake of what they had been told, and, bowing down before Newborn, they said:
Glory to Thee, O Lamb of God, Saviour of the world!
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who hast revealed to us an ineffable miracle!
Glory to Thee Who hast caused us to hear the song of angels!
Glory to Thee Who hast taught us to glorify Thee with them!
Glory to Thee Who hast moved angels and men to hymn Thee!
Glory to Thee Who hast brought joy to earth and heaven!
Glory to Thee in Whom those in heaven rejoice with those on earth!
Glory to Thee, for by Thee are those on earth united with those in heaven!
Glory to Thee Who hast shown the power of the devil to be impotent!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from His tyranny!
Glory to Thee, O ineffable joy of those who believe in Thee!
Glory to Thee, O unspeakable delight of those who love Thee!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion V
Beholding the divinely guided star which pointed beforehand to the nativity of Christ, the Magi observed it; and by its guidance they reached the Unapproachable One and beheld Him Who is invisible. And they rejoice, crying out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos V
The Persian kings, seeing the King of kings sitting on the arm of the Virgin as upon the throne of the cherubim, and understanding Him to be the Master, even though He had assumed the form of a servant, hastened to offer Him gifts—gold, as to the King of all; frankincense, as to God; and myrrh, as to One immortal;—and making obeisance, they chanted:
Glory to Thee Who hast shone forth light upon all!
Glory to Thee Who by a star hair summoned us to do Thee homage!
Glory to Thee Who didst reprove the malice of cruel Herod!
Glory to Thee Who didst show his plotting to be in vain!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from his deception!
Glory to Thee Who hast taught us to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness!
Glory to Thee Who hast enlightened all with the light of understanding!
Glory to Thee Who by Thy nativity hast abolished the delusion of polytheism!
Glory to Thee Who hast utterly laid low the dominion of the enemy!
Glory to Thee Who hast taught us to worship Thee with the Father and the Spirit!
Glory to Thee Who hast crushed the head of the serpent who beguiled us!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from everlasting death!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion VI
Fulfilling the prophecies concerning Thee, which were uttered by the God-bearing heralds, Thou hast revealed Thyself on earth, O Saviour, being born now of the pure Virgin in a wretched cave; and though rich, Thou didst willingly impoverish Thyself for our sake, that Thou mightest enrich men, who chant to Thee with faith: Alleluia!
Ikos VI
Thou didst shine forth from the Virgin, Thy Mother who knew not man, O Jesus, shining like the sun and driving away the darkness of falsehood; for all the demons trembled, unable to withstand Thy might, and hades, beholding the miracle, was filled with terror. And we cry out to Thee in thanksgiving: Glory to Thee, O Saviour of men!
Glory to Thee, O Destroyer of the demons!
Glory to Thee Who by Thy birth didst fill the prince of lies with dread!
Glory to Thee Who hast abolished the delusion of the idols!
Glory to Thee Who hast illumined all with the light of the knowledge of God!
Glory to Thee Who hast driven away the darkness of ignorance!
Glory to Thee, O Rock Who hast poured forth the water of salvation upon all!
Glory to Thee Who hast quenched the thirst of Adam and David!
Glory to Thee Who like the sun hast enlightened all by Thy nativity!
Glory to Thee Who hast made the whole world radiant with beams of grace!
Glory to Thee Who bait shown us the promised land!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from the curse of our whole race!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion VII
Desiring to reveal to us the mystery hidden from before time began, Thou didst show the mystery to servants from all creation, O Saviour: to Gabriel from among the angels, to the Virgin from among men, to the star from among the heavens, and from an earth to the cave where-in it was Thy good pleasure to be born. Wherefore, marveling at Thine ineffable wisdom, we cry out: Alleluia!

Ikos VII
The Creator of all showed forth a new creation, revealing Himself in flesh, springing forth from a seedless womb, which He preserved incorrupt; and He showed it to be the mediation of salvation for those who chant:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who hast shown her who bore Thee to be a Mother of lovingkindness! Glory to Thee Who didst preserve her a virgin even after she gave birth!
Glory to Thee Who camest to save Adam!
Glory to Thee Who hast comforted the tears of Eve!
Glory to Thee Who camest to save all men!
Glory to Thee Who base shone forth an image of the resurrection!
Glory to Thee Who hast rent asunder the record of our sins!
Glory to Thee Who has given us a model of humility!
Glory to Thee Who didst impoverish Thyself for our sake!
Glory to Thee Who hast enriched us with Thy poverty!
Glory to Thee Who hair clothed us in the raiment of salvation!
Glory to Thee Who hast delighted us by Thy love!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion VIII
Seeing Thy strange and all-glorious nativity which took place in the cave, let us all the more spurn the vanities of the world, for the divine Mind appeared on earth as a humble man, that He might lead up to the heavens those who cry out to Him: Alleluia!

Thou art all desire, all delight for those who love Thee and glorify Thy divine condescension, O Christ God; for, having been born of the pure Virgin on earth, Thou leadest up into the heavens those who chant:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who wast born on earth!
Glory to Thee Who wast ineffably incarnate of the Virgin!
Glory to Thee Who base shown Thyself to us!
Glory to Thee Who summoned to Thee those afar off!
Glory to Thee, our ineffable Joy!
Glory to Thee, O delight of our hearts!
Glory to Thee Who in Thy nativity hast shone forth the light of salvation!
Glory to Thee Who didst shed tears for our salvation!
Glory to Thee Who hast thereby quenched the flame of our passions!
Glory to Thee Who it use cleansed us of the defilement of sin!
Glory to Thee Who hast set at nought our transgression!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from corruption!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion IX
Na mind or understanding of angels or men is able to comprehend the mystery of Thine unapproachable nativity, O Master; yet do Thou accept our love and faith, O good Master, and save us who chant unto Thee: Alleluia!

Ikos IX
We see the most eloquent of orators mute as fish when confronted by Thine incarnation, O Master; for they are at a loss how, being perfect God, thou didst appear as a perfect man, and how Thou wast born of the Virgin who knew not wedlock. But we, refusing to delve into these mysteries, glorify Thee with faith alone, crying:
Glory to Thee, O hypostatic Wisdom of God!
Glory to Thee, O ineffable Joy of all!
Glory to Thee Who didst show those lacking in wisdom to be lovers of wisdom!
Glory to Thee Who hast given understanding even to the simple!
Glory to Thee Who didst put to shame those who tested Thee!
Glory to Thee Who didst break the webs of all who devise myths!
Glory to Thee Who hast shone forth the light of divine knowledge upon all!
Glory to Thee Who didst pour forth wisdom in Thy works!
Glory to Thee Who hast enlightened the minds of many!
Glory to Thee Who hast shown us the path to salvation!
Glory to Thee, O unfathomable abyss of lovingkindness!
Glory to Thee, O depth of compassions and love for mankind!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!
Kontakion X
Desiring to save the world which is perishing, the Adorner of all is born of the Virgin as a babe; He Who looseth the intricate bonds of transgressions is wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger; and being the Son of God, He becometh the Son of the Virgin, and wisely arrangeth all things, that He might save those who chant unto Him: Alleluia!

Ikos X
Herod, the enemy of God, showed himself to be a pillar and wall of God-opposing malice and a spawn of great iniquity, who tried to slay Him Who giveth life unto all, and at his command innocent babes were reaped by the sword, like unripe grain; wherefore, having driven all malice from our hearts, let us glorify Him Who came to save us, crying:
Glory to Thee Who didst show Herod's intention to be in vain!
Glory to Thee Who hast numbered with the angels the babes he slew!
Glory to Thee, O Destroyer of malice!
Glory to Thee, O Instructor in humility and Lover of mortals!
Glory to Thee Who hast broken the horn of pride!
Glory to Thee Who hast shone the light of righteousness upon all!
Glory to Thee Who Thyself hast taught meekness and humility to all!
Glory to Thee Who hast brought all to acknowledge Thee!
Glory to Thee Who by Thy nativity didst sanctify the womb of her who bore Thee!
Glory to Thee Who didst accept the shepherds' wonder and the gifts of the Magi!
Glory to Thee Who didst teach even irrational creatures to serve Thee!
Glory to Thee Who hast sanctified all creation!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion XI
All laudation of Thine incarnation for our sake falleth short, and for those who wish to offer fitting praise, silence is better. For even were we to offer Thee hymns as numerous as the sands of the sea, O all-holy King, we would accomplish nought that is meet; wherefore, we chant with fear: Alleluia!

Ikos XI
They who sat in darkness and the shadow of death, beholding Thee, the never-waning Light Who shone forth from the Virgin, were illumined by the fire of Thy divinity, and hymned Thee, the Bestower of wisdom and understanding, crying out such things as these:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, ineffable Light!
Glory to Thee, O Sun of righteousness, Who hast enlightened all by Thy nativity!
Glory to Thee Who hast shone forth most radiant enlightenment!
Glory to Thee Who base poured forth upon us a most torrential river of grace!
Glory to Thee Who hast richly provided the water of salvation as drink!
Glory to Thee Who hast shown to those who love Thee that Thy yoke is easy and Thy burden is light! Glory to Thee Who hast lifted from us the weight of sin!
Glory to Thee Who hast delivered us from slavery to the enemy!
Glory to Thee Who hast filled all with gladness by Thine appearance on earth!
Glory to Thee Who hast given us consolation through rebirth!
Glory to Thee Who hast shown Thyself to us as our utmost Desire!
Glory to Thee Who hast reconciled with the Father us who are His enemies!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontaidon XII
O our Saviour, Who didst come to give grace unto all and to loose the debts of men by Thine incarnation, loose also our debts and rend asunder the record of our sins, that we may glorify Thine ineffable nativity and chant without ceasing: Alleluia!

Ikos XII
Hymning Thy becoming man, we praise, bless and worship Thee, O our Saviour; and we believe that Thou art the Lord and God Who saveth all who hope on Thee, who glorify Thine ineffable nativity from the Virgin, and chant such things as these:
Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who art worshiped in the highest with the Father and the Spirit!
Glory to Thee Who art glorified by all the ranks of heaven and earth!
Glory to Thee Who hast disclosed the mystery hidden from before time began!
Glory to Thee Who hast revealed Thine ineffable love for us!
Glory to Thee, O Adorner of all creation! Glory to Thee, O our most merciful Saviour!
Glory to Thee Who makest firm the scepters of those who reign with piety on the earth!
Glory to Thee Who adornest devout hierarchs and priests with wisdom and majesty!
Glory to Thee, O foundation and confirmation of the Church!
Glory to Thee, O salvation and adornment of all the faithful!
Glory to Thee, O Physician and Healing of our bodies!
Glory to Thee, O Adorner and Saviour of our souls!
O Jesus, Son of God, Who becamest incarnate for our sake, glory be to Thee!

Kontakion XIII
Jesus all-sweet and most compassionate, our Saviour, Creator and Master! Accept this, our meager supplication, thanksgiving and glorification, as Thou didst accept the gifts and worship of the Magi; and preserve us, Thy servants, from all perils. Grant us the forgiveness of sins, and from everlasting torment deliver those who with faith glorify Thy nativity from the pure Virgin, and who cry out to Thee: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

The Kontakion is recited thrice, whereupon Ikos I and Kontakion I are repeated.

Prayer to Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ On the Day of His Holy Nativity

O great and unapproachable God, unoriginate Father, Son Who art equally without beginning, and Spirit Who art equally eternal, Who givest being to things which were not in existence, Who savest the perishing, Who givest life to the dead, Who doest what Thou wiliest among the hosts of heaven and in Thine earthly habitation, and direct-est all according to Thy wondrous providence! Incline Thine ear from the heights of Thy holiness, and accept from us, Thy lowly and unworthy servants, to whom Thou hast revealed Thy great salvation from 1 misfortunes and plague, these grateful supplications, confessions and glorifications, which we offer to Thee with heart and mouth. For Thou hast not dealt with us according to our iniquities, O Lord, neither hast Thou rewarded us according to our sins. Thou didst say of old to the children of Israel that if they would not act to keep Thy words and do all Thy commandments, Thou wouldst bring against them a nation of unashamed countenance, which would assail them in their cities until the walls thereof were broken. And we have come to realize that this dread sentence hash been directed against us and our fathers as well. For, failing to fear Thy threat and paying no heed to Thy lovingkindness, we have forsaken the path of Thy righteousness and walked in the will of our own hearts, and have made no attempt to hold Thee, the God of men's understanding and hearts, in our mind. Moreover, treating the traditions of our fathers as of no import, we have abandoned Thee for others. For these reasons, grievous ill fortune overtook us, as it did the children of Israel of old, and because we paid no heed to their lessons, mindless and savage-minded foes have come against us. But do Thou, O compassionate and merciful Lord God, Who art long-suffering, greatly merciful and true, Who maintainest justice and work-est mercy among the thousands, Who takest away iniquities, injustices and sins, having abandoned us for a little time, have mercy upon us according to Thy great mercy, and having visited our unrightcousness with the rod, as a compassionate father doth his children, so do Thou spare us. For Thou hast looked down on our tribulation, and upon our entreaties which, trusting not in our own righteousness, but upon Thy many compassions, we cast at Thy feet O Lord; and Thou hast shown us the back of our ungodly adversaries, for, melting away before the face of Thy Christ, Thine enemies have vanished like smoke, and those who love Thee shine forth like the rising of the sun in their power. We have seen, O Lord, we have seen, and in us all nations have seen, that Thou art God, and there is none other besides Thee. Thou slayest and makest to live, Thou smitest and healest, and there is no one who can deliver from Thy hand. Wherefore, our heart hash been established in our Lord, our horn hath been lifted up in our God, and we have been gladdened in Thy salvation. We thank Thee, O Lord, that, chastizing us, Thou hast chastened us but a little, lest Thou give us over utterly unto death. Grant, O Lord, that we may hold the memory of this, Thy glorious visitation, firmly and continually within us, that made stead-fast in Thee by filial fear, faith and love, and protected by Thy might, we may ever, as we do today, hymn and glorify Thy holy name. Confirm Thy blessing also upon our civil authorities, that Thy good Spirit may continually rest upon them. In our land grant holiness unto pastors, judgment and justice to those who govern, peace and tranquility to the people, efficacy to the laws and advancement to the Faith. O Lord of all lovingkindness, extend Thy mercy unto those who know Thee; and reveal Thyself even unto those who seek Thee not; turn the hearts even of our enemies unto Thee; and make Thyself known to all nations and peoples in Thy true Christ: that from the rising of the sun, even unto the setting thereof, all nations may with one heart cry out to Thee with a voice of rejoicing: Glory to Thee, the God and Saviour of all, unto the ages of ages! Amen.